Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do Church's in the Uk have to beg for money when they need any repair work

Why do Church's in the Uk have to beg for money when they need any repair work?
I mean, the church is the richest organisation in the world, why won't they pay for a roof or wall to be fixed? They take begging trays around each service and then have the cheek to ask their flock to raise cash for them! Is it down to them being greedy and corrupt right up to the vatican?
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers
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1 :
cause they havent caught on to the americans way of getting money and having whole channels dedicated to getting it!!!!! and i reckon if the vicars stoped living in such fancy houses they wouldnt need to!!!!! just athought why doesnt god make sure they are always o.k for money????????
2 :
bcs the priests are not like normal people and just work for the money.
3 :
it happens in america too...the church is obviously spending money on the wrong things... they need to go to deuteronmy and find out about real titheing, about the real priesthood and how or whether they should be paid. The church seems to be the preaching proserity message when it cannot proove it works. Maybe someday they will learn that true prosperity is spiritual, and not materialistic, and comes from within by having a sincere, loving relationship with God....
4 :
The congregation is what makes the church. People are happy to pay for the upkeep of it, it belongs to them.
5 :
They werent listening to Jesus when he said That his followers would be no part of the world, Churches are involved in corruption, politics, materialistic and they should practice a bit more of what they preach. Jesus said it would be harder for a rich man to get into the kingdom than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, so perhaps they need to assess their view of money, and i dont believe priests should be paid as such. It may be acceptable to get support from brothers, but shouldnt the preacher work to pay for his ministry? Supposed to give freely because you recieved free?
6 :
being a member of the body of the church,you are a part of the church,and somehow it is our responsibility to help in anyway we can for the needs of the church.besides,the church goers are the ones who benefitted from their contributions. another thing, those who wants to give,can give. those who do not want,then don't. so,what's the problem?
7 :
its to do with the church belonging to the community etc etc and it is seen as a good deed to donate to the repair of a church. Not all churches are "ruled" by the Vatican though remember, since Henry VIII the Church of England has been seperate.
8 :
As you are from South Cheshire, I think you would find that most of the historic buildings in question are Anglican churches rather than Roman Catholic ones. There are some beautiful parish churches in towns and villages all over the UK and it is very sad when they fall into disrepair. Few people want to see these buildings fall down, even if they never actually step foot inside the church. The Church of England is a religious demonination in terminal decline. The tiny and ageing congregations cannot afford to maintain these buildings. As the church (as a religious organisation) disappears, the taxpayer will end up having to foot the bill for these buildings and it will have to decide what to do with them. They are ancient, important architecturally and historically, but what do we actually do with them if nobody uses them for worship any more?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ok I get the bible and all but what's with having the Vatican and churches

Ok I get the bible and all but what's with having the Vatican and churches?
I mean I don't think it says anywhere in the bible that christianity should be built on a profitable organisation unless God's a capitalist. I mean is the vatican necessary? Are churches necessary? There's bound to be easier ways to maintain and spread the word of God than through the means of something dirty as money and profit, seems more like a satan type scenario, something like his followers would do. The pope along with every other religious mentor down the ladder of power seems to be living cushy lifestyles of the back of other peoples hard earned cash, people are kinda guilt ridden to fork over money at mass on sundays without looking like a cheap skate, does God love our money? Where in the bible does it say that this empire was necessary. It seems these religious advertisers aka priests the whole way up to the pope are living it pretty sweet without having to do any "real" work, why can't they go out and get jobs and bust their a$$es like rest of us. I'm not against charity or anything but c'mon, they're freeloading off us. Recently the church down the road from me got a revamp and man the place is freaking mint, the church would've done and got by with it's old skool look and feel, I guess they wanted to bling the place up a bit by dipping into the church basket. Also the Parish priests car is pretty slick too. It makes me sick that the money being handed over and exploited, seems like a scam to me.
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
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1 :
Those are MAN MADE laws. Just keep reading your Bible and you'll see the answers and know the way...
2 :
The question you are asking yourself now is: do I get the book of mormon?
3 :
yup exactly God Bless
4 :
No, churches don't force money off of us, we can donate if we want.
5 :
The churches were utilized by God as His method of evangelizing the world until (the Bible tells us) they became totally apostate in the year 1988. From that point until the end, the only place to find truth is in Bible.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is Vatican City still a nation?? in the 19th century it was, but it was the worlds smallest nation. Help

Is Vatican City still a nation?? in the 19th century it was, but it was the worlds smallest nation. Help!!?
Home work
Geography - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes it is. Nobody took away its nation status.
2 :
Yes. It has an unusually low birth rate, but they're still getting by.
3 :
Yes. It is still a soverign nation. I, personally, would call it a city-state though. As it is a single city that comprises it's own country. It is also interesting to note that the Vatican is completely surrounded by the Italian city of Rome.
4 :
Yes it is. It is called a "sovereign city-state". "The city-state came into existence by virtue of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, which spoke of it as a new creation (Preamble and Article III), not as a vestige of the much larger Papal States (756-1870) that had previously encompassed central Italy. Most of this territory was absorbed into the Kingdom of Italy in 1860, and the final portion, namely the city of Rome with a small area close to it, ten years later, in 1870. ..."
5 :
It still is a nation, and is the smallest in the worldby area it is also smallest by population
6 :
yes, still the worlds smallest nation.
7 :
Yes, it is a country and it is the smallest. It is also the only country that is not a member of the United Nations (UN).
8 :
Yes. Here is the official website of the Vatican City State: With love in Christ.