Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ok I get the bible and all but what's with having the Vatican and churches

Ok I get the bible and all but what's with having the Vatican and churches?
I mean I don't think it says anywhere in the bible that christianity should be built on a profitable organisation unless God's a capitalist. I mean is the vatican necessary? Are churches necessary? There's bound to be easier ways to maintain and spread the word of God than through the means of something dirty as money and profit, seems more like a satan type scenario, something like his followers would do. The pope along with every other religious mentor down the ladder of power seems to be living cushy lifestyles of the back of other peoples hard earned cash, people are kinda guilt ridden to fork over money at mass on sundays without looking like a cheap skate, does God love our money? Where in the bible does it say that this empire was necessary. It seems these religious advertisers aka priests the whole way up to the pope are living it pretty sweet without having to do any "real" work, why can't they go out and get jobs and bust their a$$es like rest of us. I'm not against charity or anything but c'mon, they're freeloading off us. Recently the church down the road from me got a revamp and man the place is freaking mint, the church would've done and got by with it's old skool look and feel, I guess they wanted to bling the place up a bit by dipping into the church basket. Also the Parish priests car is pretty slick too. It makes me sick that the money being handed over and exploited, seems like a scam to me.
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Those are MAN MADE laws. Just keep reading your Bible and you'll see the answers and know the way...
2 :
The question you are asking yourself now is: do I get the book of mormon?
3 :
yup exactly God Bless
4 :
No, churches don't force money off of us, we can donate if we want.
5 :
The churches were utilized by God as His method of evangelizing the world until (the Bible tells us) they became totally apostate in the year 1988. From that point until the end, the only place to find truth is in Bible.