Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Secret/s being hidden by the Vatican

Secret/s being hidden by the Vatican?
I'm sorry, but a woman i know (she is a mormon) once said that there are many fetuses that are buried under some Church/es in the Vatican and that they are the works of the priest and nuns(priest impregnated nuns) She said this in front of my face and i was surprised that a teacher can say this. She didn't even went to the Vatican. I know this is unbelievable but i would like to know, Where the hell did she get that idea? Is it really what they(mormons) are telling their people? ****** No offense meant but the fact that she is a teacher and around 45-50 years old, i believe that if she tell it to her students, she can influence them. ******* Just asking... Peace @ Mr. short and to the point I am sorry for the grammatical blunder but may i know what is the correct sentence for that? @Rowan Thanks! I thought it was past tense. lol went, go, went, go, went, go, went, go ..... @ John S Yes indeed. She is a "former" Catholic.
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
'she didn't even went to the vatican'. do you attend grammar class?
2 :
no offense but shes mormon..you should tell the principal that shes teaching that..
3 :
Officially (Mormons) are not telling you that, the teacher is. She need the source docs. I have heard of this but what is the ccollaboration
4 :
That's why Martin Luther had all the nunneries closed down because they were dens of vice.
5 :
I think that you have been reading one too many Dan Brown novels. The Church does have archives not accessible to the public; that is the only thing that's secretive that I know for sure about the Church.
6 :
well, it could be possible. the catholic church is a very powerful organization, much like a government. the vatican does have its own army you know....considering how much we know about corruption of powerful organizations, think about how much you DONT know....hmmmm......
7 :
The Catacombs under the Vatican contains the bodies of slain pagans and people accused of sorcery and the like from the dark ages, I have not heard about the fetuses of nuns though, that's creepy and unfounded. Maybe the woman was a Catholic nun back in the dark ages and wanted to let you in on her secret.
8 :
She probably just listened to what is being told to her and believed *conspiracies*. Ask her to provide you with a source for her claim ;) "She didn't even went to the Vatican" - "go" instead of "went" (since you asked *S*) @headhunters2009- the Vatican has the use of the Swiss Army (approx 100 soldiers total). That's what you call army? For an entire State? You are making suggestions here as well, based on assumptions
9 :
Read secerets of the code and read up on Leonardo daVinci and the philosophers. Many things are hidden which will be revealed.
10 :
Rowan is right on this one. That lady has probably been taught this from early on. Many christian denominations have anti-catholic rhetoric buried in their teachings because, in one way or another, they all broke off from Catholicism, therefore they all have some unresolved issues from their childhood, so to speak. I'd also like to add that the Vatican's archives are largely open to the Public, SOME are open to Scholars only. There aren't any "secret archives" -- that's conspiracy talk. Like any Museum, not everything is open to the public because some of the manuscripts are ridiculously old, rare, and most of all fragile from age. Therefore, only by appointment and only if you are scholar, can you see some of the rarer, delicate stuff. I've heard it said that the Vatican is the single largest repository of human knowledge (art and history) in the world. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are extremely hard to de-bunk because their entire premise hinges on a "cover up" or "lack of apparent evidence" You might be able to show her TONS of examples in the press, in Scholarly publications showing how open the archives are in the Vatican, and she'll persist with her idea, no doubt believing that "this is what they want you to think" or "well those are the archives they allow you to see, there are more" You could probably show her evidence proving that people have excavated the catacombs and she might persist in saying "they just haven't found them yet" The problem with some of these ideas is that they are based on conspiracy and cover up. IF the person persists in believing them, than hardly anything can convince them otherwise.