Thursday, July 21, 2011

Was Jesus an albino Illuminati? The "enlightened ones".

Was Jesus an albino Illuminati? The "enlightened ones".?
Revelation 1:14 "His head and hairs were white like wool, as white as snow. His eyes were a flame of fire". Most albinos have White skin and hair and red eyes. 15: and his feet unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace. (Metal forging of Roman military boots) and his voice as the sound of many waters (Shouting)and he had in his right hand seven stars (a Jewish candle stick holder)and out of the mouth of his scabbard came a sharp two edged sword. (military weapon with sheath)and his countenance (face) was as bright as the sun.(white). The albino Illuminati are albino's working from inside the Vatican. They believe they are direct descendants of Jesus therefore the righteous rulers of the world. Albinism is 100% hereditary when both the mother and father are albino. Albinism can be traced through the patriarchs all the way back to Noah (the book of Enoch) and to God. The immortal Illuminati seek to aveng the assassination of their god Julius Caesar and his deified son Jesus the myth that deified Augustus. The exapostle John was in prison because he spoke the truth about Augustus. I forgot to mention thhat in anciet time albinos were believed to be angels because they were like unto gods. Genesis 6 says that the sons of god noticed the daughters of man were fair (skinned) that is why they lied them and had intercourse with them. They giants were born from that union. You are one of the Nephilium. A species that was not authorized by God. Therefore illigitimate.
Religion & Spirituality - 1 Answers
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That is God that it speaks of...not Jesus