Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Dress Code in Vatican.... Hypocrisy

New Dress Code in Vatican.... Hypocrisy ?
Have you heard how the Vatican has now put in place a new dress code where women and men would have to cover up ...something that resembles Mecca's rules or the state of Saudi all together? Many believe the dress code is a desperate and hypocritical move by the leaders of the Vatican who have turned a blind eye and worked very hard to cover up the rapes by priests worldwide instead of dealing with the issues head on. http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/140253.… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/30… BQ- Has the Dajjal system infiltrated Christianity? http://www.presstv.ir/detail/140253.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/7914540/Vatican-accused-of-hypocrisy-over-short-skirts-dress-code.html Hakim - I'm not criticizing im simply asking people's opinion on the issue ....look at the telegraph link. Lioness - When you say: "Muslims do exactly the same thing they cover up women and dont deal with the rape and sexual molestation problem".... first of all what is wrong with women covering up? ..im not criticizing the move if you have any sense...im speaking on who made this change. second - what rape an sexual molestation problem...i never heard of this in my life!
Ramadan - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your links are broken.
2 :
Dajjal is not a system, it's a person.
3 :
Well, at least they do not kill infidels for just visiting! You can be put to death for going to Mecca or Medina if you are not Muslim. You need to get some perspective.
4 :
We shouldn't be criticizing other people and their religion. Let them do what they want, we take no part in it.
5 :
Look who is talking ??? a muslim really !!!! because Muslims do exactly the same thing they cover up women and dont deal with the rape and sexual molestation problem @Asker did you read your links ???? Did you post the question without knowing whats in it? In case you didnt know They made women cover up because of the pedophiles its just the same in several muslim countries but women being raped and sexually molested with their modest clothes on
6 :
You are definitely criticizing the Vatican. Muslims have nothing good to say about other religions. I am no friend of the Pope but I think instituting modest dress in the Vatican is a good thing. There's nothing hypocritical about it. Your argument makes no sense. You think that it's ok for Muslims to cover up but others who do so are hypocrites. Man you need to check your head.
7 :
There has always been a dress code at the Vatican. Just like any Catholic Church. It does not resemble the "codes" in Muslim countries. No shorts, tank tops or flip flops.
8 :
I have some important observations. Do I have your permission to share it with you? * All religions are hypocrites including Christianity and Islam. * Look at your own hypocrisy before you point fingers at another * This is a Christianity related matter, and Ramdan section is for discussing the matter related with Islam. By posting this question in Ramdan section rather than R&S section you have clearly desired your intent to get Muslim views, which apparently would be in sync with your own belief. Isn't it hypocrisy?