Friday, January 21, 2011

why is the vatican against the da vinci code film when in fact there are books released all over the worldl

why is the vatican against the da vinci code film when in fact there are books released all over the world?
writing is really a powerful tool when it comes to sharing the facts about things which people need to know.i really appreciate the works of dan brown.the da vinci code and the angels and demons.i can't wait for the upcoming movie and the release of the third book which is the solomon's's not that dan brown is against the roman catholic.after you have read the books of him it's up to you if your faith will be changed or will be lessen.the works of dan brown inspires people like's better to have knowledge about these things so that you'll not be ignorant.i say it's a nice and good reading material 'cause the author used the facts about our religion to make a good and sensible novel.
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm mad that the Church is speaking out against it. The book is fiction. The only problem I have with it is that if you are not grounded in your faith, you could take it as fact. I think we need to stop the boycott and accept it as the fiction that it is. I'm glad good works of fiction can still be written.
2 :
because it touched anerve in promoting mary magdalene as being on a par with jesus. the catholic church has always promoted the female form as being inferior to the male.
3 :
Because that film is based on an untrue novel, which is now people are trying to accept as truth ... this is alteration of facts ... only unbelievers they do not know that Fact.
4 :
If they are doing this then it's nothing new. From the earliest times they attempted prevent the distribution of any information which is against their beliefs. That's why the gnostic scriptures were found buried in Egypt (for safe keeping). The Church outlawed all such christian writings, and reading them was punishable by death. So that is how the Christian bible made it, by force. The question is what were they afraid of? Now Dan has reopened that can of worms and they don't like it because the gnostics wrote that Jesus was with Mary Magdalene (and that is quoted in Dan's book).
5 :
The vatican is a million dollar enterprise. They fear a backlash to this tale due to opus dei.
6 :
You're right that writing is indeed a powerful tool not just in sharing facts but on stirring other peoples minds and inject senseless claims that he himself can't prove. The book has strayed you from the facts after you are claiming that what he used are facts. You gave me an impression that you believe Dan Brown's misrepresentation of the Church as a murderous institution and also that the Christian faith is utterly false. Now, you should know why the Vatican is against it. Brown was deaf tone to the feelings of millions of Christians. It is irresponsible and offensive for Brown to impugn the faith of countless Catholics in this fashion. He has no solid evidence to support these contentions, and in the absence of such evidence it is unacceptable to smear the faith of millions with these charges. A comparable smear would be saying that Lutherans have been murdering the descendants of Luther or that Jewish leaders have been murdering the descendants of Moses. If such charges were made, particularly with no evidence, they would be regarded instantly as vicious and bigoted slanders against what other people hold sacred. Claiming that Catholics have been killing the descendants of their God is a vile and unacceptable assault on their faith. People of all faiths should regard Dan Brown as the viciously bigoted man that it takes to make this kind of charge.