Saturday, May 1, 2010

What do you think of my idea for a sequel series to Chick Tracts

What do you think of my idea for a sequel series to Chick Tracts?
As everyone knows the wonderful Jack Chick is over 70 years old and probably wont be with us much longer. So I figure I am going to stat writing tracts to keep his subjects alive and keep his legacy alive. Here is some characters from my series "Matt Tracts"...... Henry - A 11 year old Christian boy with good moral values Jack White- A former Catholic priest who exposes the lies of the Vatican Parker Davies- A 19 year old bookish Christian who was once a Hindu and exposes the Hindu agenda. Virginia Dome- A 18 year old Christian college student and former Catholic witch who exposes the witchcraft of Catholicism. Al Barbo Mohammad- An ex-Muslim who was saved by Virginia Dome when he was about to blow up her college in the name of Allah. He is now a good Christian. Jack Chick- Based on the great man himself, a good evangelist. Mrs. Lyons- A evolutionist who works for the Vatican spreading lies and phony proof of Evolution. Father Dakker- A Vatican agent posing as a Protestant minister. Sybil- A 16 year old worldly girl with secular values. Old Widow Trumbell- A 88 year old widow and a very good Christian who used to be a Vatican witch. So what does everyone think of my series and characters for "Matt Tracts". They are all pro-Christianity and will be based on Chick Tracts and will keep the legacy going?
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sure, we could use the laughs. And something that makes Evangelicals look ridiculous is always welcome.
2 :
You don't appear to be filled with enough hate to fill the shoes of Jack Chick.
3 :
I think it's a great idea, but you need a much wider variety of ages for your's not only teenagers who read Chick tracts, and it's not only teenagers who need to be saved either. People relate to what they identify with. If I were you, I would create a series of tracts that are age group related! No one has ever done that.......:) May God bless you with your plans!
4 :
I love the absurdity of propaganda. It is a good laugh, go for it!
5 :
i think if you need to use fun stories to "prove" a religion, that you should find another way to make money