Thursday, May 7, 2009

If you worked in the Vatican City

If you worked in the Vatican City .....
Would you be tempted to keep leaving the Yellow Pages open at "Chimney Sweeps", and carry a pair of wire cutters in your top pocket?
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
will you take a hot dog to the toilet???? I can't understand what you have written. Guys get me a translator or better still ask the question in Italian.
2 :
Why? Don't see the point. If you worked in New York, would you carry hotdogs in your pants?
3 :
No, I would leave my yellow pages open at equestrian centres and keep bottle opener in my top pocket.
4 :
(NO); If I worked in the Vatican City; I Would (NOT) "be tempted" to keep leaving the Yellow Pages open at "Chimney Sweeps", and carry a pair of wire cutters in my top pocket !