Would you be tempted to keep leaving the Yellow Pages open at "Chimney Sweeps", and carry a pair of wire cutters in your top pocket?
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
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1 :
will you take a hot dog to the toilet???? I can't understand what you have written. Guys get me a translator or better still ask the question in Italian.
2 :
Why? Don't see the point. If you worked in New York, would you carry hotdogs in your pants?
3 :
No, I would leave my yellow pages open at equestrian centres and keep bottle opener in my top pocket.
4 :
(NO); If I worked in the Vatican City; I Would (NOT) "be tempted" to keep leaving the Yellow Pages open at "Chimney Sweeps", and carry a pair of wire cutters in my top pocket !