Friday, April 1, 2011

Did you know that the age of consent in the Vatican is twelve

Did you know that the age of consent in the Vatican is twelve?
A new statute signed by Pope Nazinger has ended the system whereby the Vatican must automatically accept Italian laws providing they are not radically incompatible with canonic law*. As of January 1st, all Italian laws are subject to Vatican scrutiny before being implemented in the city-state. Jose Maria Serrano Ruiz of the Commission for the Revision of the Code of Vatican Law said that the decision to change the legal system was due to the instability and exorbitant number of Italian laws. But Simplification Minister Roberto Calderoli, is currently working to cut 36,000 laws from the Italian system. Parliament Relations Minister Elio Vito, agreed there are too many laws. “They are often badly written and sometimes not very understandable.” If any of the 800 citizens in the 44 hectare enclave are concerned about their legal rights, they should have no trouble emigrating to Italy, it’s just a matter of walking through a gate. *For example, the age of consent in the Vatican is 12.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
12? Wow. So child molesters are accepted by religion!! Go figure!! :@)
2 :
I hope you are making that up, or if it's a matter of misunderstanding. That's some serious s*it. Wonder how that would effect Catholics around the world? Would they remain in the church? Or leave in droves?
3 :
Damn...but the countries have different laws. Even though this religion allows sex at 12, the country laws overthrow whatever they say. I can make up my own religion and say I can have sex with underage kids, but that doesn't mean the government wouldn't throw me into prison just because it my beliefs. Either way, gross. I don't know how these people can find 12 year olds attractive. Sick sick sick.
4 :
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