Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to get a publisher

How to get a publisher?
I am working on a the Da Vinci Code like story on the highly regimented Vaidantik sect of Hinduism with its Vatican like headquarter at BELUR near Calcutta in India. How can I get a publisher?? I also need to take a year or two off my job for research. So, a fat advance will be welcome.
Books & Authors - 2 Answers
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1 :
If this is your first novel... you have a way to go before you get published and it is unlikely you will get a huge advance. You need a literary agent who will only sign you once you've completed the novel. This literary agent will know what publishers to contact that would be most accepting of your manuscript. However, I think the market is flooded with 'Da Vinci Code' style manuscripts at the moment... maybe think of something new!
2 :
There's little chance you'll get an advance before writing the book. It doesn't work that way if you're an unknown. And publishers rarely accept unagented queries and submissions. I'm afraid you're going to have to find other means of funding if you're going to take time off work to write this book (which sounds interesting, by the way.) Most published writers keep their regular jobs. Very few become as financially successful as Dan Brown. For tips on finding an agent, do a Yahoo Answers search on terms like "publish book", "publish novel", "how do I publish my book", etc. The question has been asked and answered many times.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Did Mother Teresa predict the end of the world in 2012

Did Mother Teresa predict the end of the world in 2012?
I just got the weirdest email. Has anyone heard about this? I'm just looking for a little clarification. Apparently there was shady ambiguous prophecy, located deep within the Vatican archives, that indicated that a 'dark force' would suck in all of existence, and subsequently spew out a collective consciousness that would turn all remaining life forms into hippies. She went around trying to proclaim this truth, but the Vatican immediately suppressed her work and discredited her as an 'atheist'.. whatever that is.
Religion & Spirituality - 7 Answers
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1 :
And if they were hippies... Why they would have no need for the Church!
2 :
no absolutely not
3 :
Hello, Mother Teresa concerned herself with helping the poor, sick and afflicted and running hospitals which took up a great deal of her time. Like most other Catholics I know, she most likely did not worry or fret about the end times realizing that if she were to be hit by a bus shot in a riot or beaten to death by a robber or suffer a fatal heart attack, it was the end of the world for her anyway. I'd say this is another urban legend in waiting. Cheers, Michael Kelly
4 :
It sounds more like a wierd rumour than a credible claim. The bit that makes me really suspicious is the allegation that the Vatican discredited her by declaring her an atheist. In fact, her supposed 'atheism' did not come to public knowledge until after her death and was not really atheism at all. It was an exceptionally prolonged 'dark night of the soul', during which she suffered a long period of spiritual dryness and an apparent absence of God, but did not deny her faith. The concept of the dark night of the soul is a long established aspect of Catholic spirituality, and is especially associated with the sixteenth century mystic St John of the Cross.
5 :
You're either making it all up or you're very gullible.
6 :
Mother Teresa couldn't have predicted the end of the world with any accuracy because God hasn't given that information out until the last year or two. The world can not end in 2012 because the Bible declares it will end in 2011. Even if Mother Teresa predicted 2012 she didn't get it from the Bible.. The end of the world is described in the Bible in great detail. I have seen all the proof from the Bible that God declares the world will end in 2011 beginning on 5/21/2011. This is an amazing study if you are interested. Seek God If you read 1COR 2:9-16 and substitue "True Gospel" for the word "things" you will see how saved man "can know" and how the phrase "No man knoweth" is describing the unsaved condition of man. Moreover the studies linked below will show you the detailed calendar that is in the Bible and how you can see that we are exactly 7,000 years from the flood to the very day that God shut the door. Please read it for yourself.. May God Bless you
7 :
While I think Catholics in particular are misguided, it still seems VERY RUDE to belittle the work of someone who isn't even here to defend herself. Criticize the Pope for trying to hide child molesters in his church, but don't besmirch the good work of Mother Teresa, please, as there are just too few people willing to help others the way it is, not to hold the few out for ridicule. Go ask your mother why this is not nice.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why do right-wing, conservative Catholics get upset with the changes of Vatican II

Why do right-wing, conservative Catholics get upset with the changes of Vatican II?
Not saying all, but a lot of the ones I meet wax nostalgically about the old days: Priest turning his back on his people, priest reading a language no one understands and no one speaks any longer to make sure that his congregation has no idea what's going on, no allowance for gay marriage, telling people that abortion is a sin, Catholics weren't allowed to divorce and remarry, Churches were dark and gloomy, people looked like they were going to a fashion parade or a funeral, not a fun place to praise the Lord, hymns were done on organs and electric guitars were forbidden....the church was a cold, dark place back then. Let's look at it today: Today's Catholic Church has reaped the fruits of the Reforms of Vatican II: we no longer have celibate priests, Catholics can divorce and remarry, abortion is no longer forbidden, women are given an active role in the church, Mass today is fun and jazzy and people understand it b/c it's in English instead of a dead language that keeps people in the dark, whereas in the old days people broke away from Catholicism like Lutherans and Episcopalians and Methodists, we don't have reformations any longer ---people are happy to be Catholic, so why do you cons want to undo the beautiful works of the 1960s that allowed our church to flower. Why do you want to go back to the dark ages of dead languages, dark and gloomy churches, celibate priests, anti-abortion, anti gay old school Catholicism. Source: twelve years of Catholic schooling (from 1st grade to senior year of high school) No, I have plenty of friends who are Catholic and are divorced and remarried. I also know a gay Catholic who attends Mass every Sunday and several of my Catholic friends have had abortions, so please stop saying that Catholics can't divorce or be gay or have abortions ---that went out with the 1950s. Times have changed. Maybe you'd rather be in a Cathedral hearing some dead language and hating gays and wanting to ban abortion.
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
Most Catholics are Democrats. Does the name Kennedy ring a bell? Pelosi? Don't you even know your own party? Also, there is no Vatican II and your entire post is complete hogwash.
2 :
You are mistaken priests are still supposed to be celibate abortion is still murder,Sex without marriage is still a sin,Gay marriage is moronic and you are probably making an attempt to be funny,FAIL
3 :
Have you ever seen Dogma? "Buddy Jesus" says it all and the ridiculousness of it.
4 :
When have Catholics ever been pro gay and pro abortion that's still the same as is probably child abuse so grow up and read that book of fiction you call a bible.
5 :
The church has gone through many stages these past 2000 years. It falls into chaos, debauchery, and its distance from God increases from time to time. This has happened many times throughout the churches corrupt history. Conservative Catholics know all about it. They want their church close to God, as close as possible. Turning one's back on God's teachings, accepting, or promoting, "sin" is not how the church gets itself, or its people closer to God. The church might be more successful financially by reforming itself, may better fit into society, may better serve its flocks needs, but it doesn't serve God's mission, doesn't serve people's spiritual needs, doesn't bring people closer to God by doing so.
6 :
Most Catholics are Democrats and child pedophiles
7 :
You mean Like Joe Biden?
8 :
You didn't learn much in that twelve years! NONE of your claims can be substantiated by ANY of the Catechism of the Catholic Church's contents.
9 :
You have some of it right however I must inform you much of what you said is false. First of all abortion is has never been and never will be ok. It is murder and the church does stand firm on this issue. Sure there are Catholics who have had one however that does not change the fact that it is a sin in the eyes of the church. Gays yes of course are allowed to be Catholics that is not the issue the church has with them. The issue is acting upon their sexual desires, because they are forbidden by God. Marriage has always been always will be only between a man and a woman, even if "gay marriage" becomes the acceptable term does not make it so. You can call it what ever you like but that doesn't make it true. The majority of the priest do remain celibate, and the percentage of sex offending priests in the church is a great deal smaller than other christian denominations. As for divorce and remarrying, a marriage first has to be proven as invalid meaning there truly was never a marriage to begin with, this is called an annulment, its not the same as a divorce. Who ever said church has to be fun! That is not why you are there! Its great if you do enjoy it and have fun at mass but that is not why you should be going! Its not about having fun its about worshiping your God because you have made that commitment to! When you make a commitment to another person it isn't always going to be fun or enjoyable and a commitment to God is no different!
10 :
When one spends many years or decades doing a thing a particular way, change can be unsettling. This is especially true when no choice or option is allowed. As you see in your list, there were a lot of changes made very quickly. I was 7 at the time so I adjusted quickly. Those who were much older had / have harder times. Did you know that is one reason why there are several Churches in NY now that have dispensations to say the Mass in Latin? Their congregations demanded them, and many people came to them when they went to Latin. Change is good. That doesn't mean people (have to) like it. Sadly, some of your conclusions are misinformed. I suggest looking more closely at particular details, such as 'not have celibate priests'. Roman Catholic Priests are still celibate, Episcopal and other denominations are not, and this predates (and has nothing to do with) Vatican II.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Were Nazis at the Nuremberg trial able to extricate themselves from Nazi atrocities committed outside Germany

Were Nazis at the Nuremberg trial able to extricate themselves from Nazi atrocities committed outside Germany?
Nazis who worked exclusively doing paperwork in Berlin at the "High Command" located in Berlin Germany claimed they because they had no direct control over Nazi's in places like Poland (Auschwitz) they were not responsible for their atrocities. Today, the Vatican is similarly claiming that they had no direct control over sex crimes on minors committed by Priests in Wisconsin.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 : low ranking nazis didn't go to trial...what do you want?....20,000 nazis under trial?...while that may have been a good idea? it wasn't realistic.