I am going to Rome in April, and see many of these "skip the line" tours offered. Do they really work, or are so many people skipping the line that they end up defeating their own purpose. Has anybody had any positve / negative experiences of their own?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yes, the "skip the lines" tours does help but you will miss a lot of the art work on your way into the Sistene Chapel.
2 :
Well you have to look at it like this... if you don't try it you are in for a line, and if you do try it and there's a line well, maybe it's a shorter line lol. Good luck
3 :
We were there in February, very rainy morning and the line was wrapped around the block. We had booked a private tour and through a mix-up we got inside without waiting in line, our guide finally got inside too and we went on our way. We got to see everything, and spend as time in the Sistine Chapel as we wanted. I'm not sure about a large group tour though, you may not get as much time to look around. But skipping the line was great.
4 :
They do work! My dad and his girlfriend took a Mediterranean cruise in Oct. from Athens to Nice,France. They hired private local drivers to tour sites inland. When my Dad was in Rome, his tourguide said "I can help you skip the line and get into The Vatican right away, just give a guard some money." Sure enough, my Dad did that and didn't have to wait in line, which had thousands of people!
5 :
If your just going on vacation I wouldn't suggest it, but I have used the skip line tour alot in the past. It alot faster and shorter. It gives you plenty of time to spend just looking around the vatican court office more than just standing in around looking at artwork. I'd suggest taking the full tour at least once. You'll be missing out if you don't. Some of the art work that you'll pass up is magnificant. For a first timer I wouldn't use it. Glad your visiting Vatican City. That's favorite location in all of Italy. Ita a wonderful place. You won't regret it. Trust me. You'll remember the trip for a long time to come.