Monday, March 21, 2011

Should the Vatican Relinquish Statehood

Should the Vatican Relinquish Statehood?
Here is something I’ve written in defense of my posture that the Church must relinquish statehood. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? The Vatican Must Relinquish Statehood While Christians do not fear what the world offers we rightly fear God in His correction. The signs of His correction are with us. Cradle Catholics leave the Church or see her as only a social obligation. Cafeteria Catholics pick and choose what they wish to believe then practice as devout believers sometimes organizing into fronts for Pagan causes. There is a pitiful lack of priests and religious. Our indulgence in armed defense and statehood has put the Church in the sorrowful state of correction. The Church strives toward perfection. The Church has changed away from and toward that goal since Jesus walked the Earth. Giving the world the benefit of the doubt, the perfected Church will not embrace politics and statehood. Christ works from within sometimes beyond human perception. Only externals may be determined through a Christian state. Christian statehood was never a good idea. In some cases it was an evil. It gave leave to Christians enforcing Christianity on the world through force. In as much, it gave leave to Christians beating up on their own servants. We who have been given so much are expected to give much. To those who have been given more, even more is expected. (Luke 12:35-48) To what end do we seek to have a Christian state? Do we fear death? Do we fear the loss of property or influence? Having nothing to fear and everything to gain, Christians need not protect themselves or holy property through statehood. Should we die for Christ, we die as martyrs strengthening the Church by becoming members of the Church Triumphant. If by following Christ we leave everything we have, we will be given even more. (Matthew 19:29) We need not project ourselves by nationhood either. Following our God we know that statehood is not what we seek. Jesus is not and never has been a statesman in the temporal world. (John 18:36) He corrected those who lived by the sword in support of Him. (Matthew 26:52) He withdrew from those who would make Him a temporal King. (John 6:15) He has a kingdom that transcends the temporal world. He has the Kingdom of God. The Catholic Church is the beachhead of the Kingdom of God in the temporal world. We who belong to the Kingdom of God know we are not yet complete. We fight the good fight of the Church Militant. We should not be split between the heavenly mission of saving souls and worldly political infighting. God is not split. He is one. We believe in the Communion of Saints. (Apostle’s Creed) In our belief we know that the Church Triumphant, the Saints in Heaven, fight with us with more vigor and strength than we can imagine. They are not fettered by worldly desires, temptations and sin. Their minds are clear. Their hearts are pure. They have the intelligence and strength of angels who fight with them. One, St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus, promised us before death that she will spend Heaven doing good on Earth. If every Christian in the temporal world is martyred, the Church will still exist stronger and more loving in the form of the Church Triumphant. There can always be new members of the Church on Earth. Jesus said He can raise stones to be children of Abraham. (Luke 3:8) Christians are the sons of Abraham grafted in through Christ into God’s promises of Abraham. (Galatians 3:29) Should we all die, Jesus can raise up more to become the Church through Christ Himself. (Acts 9:1-16) (Acts 44-46) In righteous fear of God’s correction, it is time for the Church, exhibiting her strength from God, to end the tradition of being statesmen. It is time for there to no longer be a Christian armed defense. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek. (Mt 5:39) It is time for us to be willing to flee (John 8:59) or die rather than fight. We must assume the strength given to us from God. The weaker are truly the stronger through the grace of the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 12:9) (1 Corinthians 12:23) We must be ready. He is coming back. Yours in Christ Jesus, Grace
Religion & Spirituality - 7 Answers
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1 :
Yes, we must be ready and he is coming back. Who's to say he's not already here? I know the Rapturists expect to ascend to heaven before the time of trials and tribulations. They can hold on to that belief only until the end of time, or the beginning of the end. They especially will not see The Thief in the Night, as he will be more than unexpected when he does not grant them immunity and does give them trials. No man will know the hour or the day of the Lord's arrival All should be ready at any time. But who knows? Maybe it's a millenium away? As far as the statehood of the Vatican is concerned, I have no issue with it.
2 :
Christianity should be made illegal.
3 :
Yes, but do you really expect them to?
4 :
I think the Vatican as a nominal state is useful because it can send ambassadors and address the UN and send official delegates to conferences. I think that the Vatican could auction off all its secular but not religious art for the missions, the poor and the spreading of the faith The Church did waste a great deal on preserving the papal States up to the end of the nineteenth cent but Papal independence of civil rulers was important and still is.
5 :
The Catholic Vatican should remain a state, to be independent of all other states. Without being a State it would have not diplomatic presence in the world...and that would be a moral loss to the states of the world.
6 :
Grace, I can't argue with what you've written, at least in spirit. But I also can't agree that the statehood of the Vatican should be abandoned. To do so would put the head and heart of the Church under some other state's jurisdiction, and if anything would be even more conducive to a preoccupation with politics as a matter of preservation. History has not shown this to be a good thing. The Church does not need an empire, but soverignty of its own "state" -- basically a postage-stamp of land that is nevertheless not on soil that comes, or can come, under the control of a secular power -- means that no fighting over its ground can occur. I can't see that as detrimental to the faith.
7 :
The Vatican State has a greater necessity for its existence than at any other time in history. As the secular world continues its spiral downturn towards destruction, it is the small voice of this smallest State that Truth can be heard on the world stage. Turning the other cheek does not include disengaging from the world. While Jesus said, "to turn to other cheek," He also said to the world, most particularly to our age, "to sin no more". The Catholic Church will always be on earth, because it is the Body of Christ until the end of time. We must "Not Conform, but Transform" the world while participating in the world. Ultimately, the universe is still God's creation.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"God" Vs Harry Potter

"God" Vs Harry Potter??
i don't know if you heard but the Vatican condemned the works of J.K Rowling as being unholy and that they promote satanic values and witch craft. now i won't Deny that witch craft is mentioned once or twice throughout the series but surely this can't the popes only issue. i mean , I'm pretty sure Mrs Rowling is not the first to use these topics in works of fiction. i think some guy named Tolkien mentioned them in a story about some kind of ring. and the Potter series isn't completely devoid of religious content . Christmas (a christian/catholic festival) is celebrated in all 7 books . and i know it's still early days , but as yet to the best of my knowledge no wars have been fought and not many people have died because of these books . and i don't think we can say the same of the Bible. so what do you think the is REAL problem the Vatican has with these books?? marysia .......a quote from the books for you. "no spell can re-awaken the dead Harry, i trust you know that" - Albus Dumbledore
Religion & Spirituality - 13 Answers
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1 :
The pope's just jealous that Harry gets more attention. You could just replace the words "Magic" and "wizard/witch" with "miracle" and "clergy men/women" and he'd love it.
2 :
they just like to have something to complain about. what does a fictional teen novel have to do with God? nothing. The books don't go on tangents about her theroies of how the universe came to be. it's just good fiction. people (and the churchs they represent) are so silly!
3 :
Any religion that does not tolerate a difference of opinion or a questioning of belief is pretty scary in my books.
4 :
he is just afraid that people will want Harry to be the Pope instead of him
5 :
Crazy old grandpa is just ranting again. Ignore him. He'll fall asleep soon.
6 :
People who really, REALLY believe in magic sometimes have trouble with fantastic stories about magic. They don't understand that they're just stories. They read stories about magic all the time and take them as fact, (or at least meaningful metaphor) they have trouble imagining other people reading stories about magic and taking them as pure fiction. Basically the pope is out of step with reality and things there's a real danger in kids being exposed to a school of magic that rivals catholicism. He doesn't get that it's make-believe.
7 :
The fact that they believe that these are somehow forcing children to commit their lives to paganisms...which they obviously aren't. I loved how Jo Rowling threw in the quote in the Deathly Hallows on the Potter's tombstone: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Which, ironically, comes from 1 Corinthians. It must've been like, her ultimate revenge against her Christian opponents... I know I pick up many Christian undertones in the book...I don't get the problem...
8 :
J.K. Rowling is a Christian and a member of the Church of Scotland. The books are pure fictional fun. Some people just like going on witch hunts.
9 :
he's not in the movies
10 :
I condemn the works of the Vatican, we need to work on getting that house of liars and pedophiles torn down.
11 :
They just don't want more people buying Harry Potter books than the bible. P.S: Christmas is a Pagan festival. Time to count that one out.
12 :
the first set of the series there wasn't a problem and they were actually promoted - with Pope John Paul 2. it wasn't until the latter books and the darker more sinister "coming back to life" type of content that pope Benedict chastised them.
13 :
The current Pope never condemned nor condoned the Potter books. Please see the link below to read the full story. The statements he made concerning the Potter books were made *before* he was Pope, and there were orders made from within the Vatican for Harry Potter books. Since he has been Pope, he has not made any official statement. Personally, I am Catholic and have read and loved every single installment of the Harry Potter series. I see Harry Potter as a Christ figure, as well as Dumbledore. And yes, Mr. Tolkein was the first - along with his colleague CS Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia) - to use Christian themes in a fantasy series so beautifully and timelessly. I won't speak for any other religions, but the real story of the Pope and Harry Potter is a lot less exciting than some would like to make out. It really is a "non-event".

Monday, March 7, 2011

Has the Vatican ended the practice of moving molesting priests to other parishes

Has the Vatican ended the practice of moving molesting priests to other parishes?
A Catholic priest from a rural parish west of San Antonio is accused in a lawsuit filed Thursday of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy at gunpoint and during private catechism sessions two years ago. The suit, which names outgoing Archbishop José Gomez as a defendant and claims he sought to conceal the matter, comes three days after the Vatican named Gomez as the next archbishop in Los Angeles. He is transferring to California next month. Gomez said recently through a spokesman that his five-year tenure involved no new sex-abuse allegations. The suit claims that Father John M. Fiala repeatedly assaulted the youth from January to August 2008 while Fiala was working as administrator at Sacred Heart of Mary in Rocksprings. That’s the county seat of Edwards County, which is about 110 miles west of San Antonio and is part of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. CJsister...You can't possibly be serious. The priest bought this kid a car, and gave him money!! The parents complained many times, yet there is no record of it. That is why the Archbishop was also named as a defendant. The lawsuit describes a relationship between a then-16-year-old and Fiala, starting at a basketball game in 2007. It says Fiala lavished gifts on the boy, including a laptop computer, cell phone, MP3 player, money and later a Chrysler Sebring. He provided alcohol and manipulated the teen into private catechism classes on church grounds where the alleged sexual abuse took place up to twice a month, the suit says. It also claims Fiala gave the teen a ride in a church truck to Big Spring for the teen to visit his girlfriend but stopped at a San Angelo Motel 6. There, he raped the teen at gunpoint in a room and said, “If you tell anyone what happened, I will hurt you and your family,” according to the suit. On other occasions, the priest manipulated the teen into performing oral sex, once by leveraging his gift of a car and another time pulling a revolver on him, according to the suit. The teen eventually ran away from home and attempted suicide, the suit says.
Religion & Spirituality - 7 Answers
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1 :
Now they just promote them to Pope.
2 :
Noith they havent sayith the pedofilith
3 :
No, they will never stop. I think the heads of the church are probably pedophiles as well.
4 :
Are you serious? That's sick. I thought the Catholic church was going to reform or at least stop transferring pedophiles?
5 :
I don't know if they've stopped the coverups or not. It seems that the hierarchy appears to be trying to avoid/evade their own responsibilities in the matter, and especially the Antipope-Ratzinger. The matter of children who are abused appears to be a side issue to them---they don't attach much importance about the safety and well-being of children. Seems to me that a Pope who cares about children would institute sweeping reforms and changes to protect children from future abuse---but Ratzinger doesn't care about children. Perhaps it's too much to expect a former Hitler Youth to have morals.
6 :
READ people. or wait, innocent until proven guilty is only allowed in the Protestant churches, right? Edwards County Sheriff Donald Letsinger said he was contacted in 2008 by a family member of the teen with an initial claim of interference with child custody, but that it grew into an investigation of sexual abuse. He also said the archdiocese has “been more than helpful” in cooperating with his requests. Fall 2008: Archdiocese receives a complaint of interference in the custody of a minor against Fiala. No allegation of sexual misconduct made. October 2008: Archbishop Gomez informs Fiala’s order about the investigation and suspends Fiala’s abilities to minister within the archdiocese. The parishes are informed of the investigation. Bunch of bigots
7 :
I think they have...nothing in that article indicates that they were intentionally covering anything up. Allegations are not guilt. Priests DO get moved around, allegations or not. Anyone who is a Catholic knows this. We can't become a Communist Surveillance state where moving around is grounds for prosecution Upon first complaints.. The Diocese told the people to take it to the Police, no cover up there. Sheriff's office confirms that they are cooperating with the investigation, no cover up there. The Priest's order has taken him off duty until the allegations can be sorted out. I don't see a lot of "cover up" here... do you? People get named all the time in suits and cases. We can't equate ALL named parties as being guilty. Essentially that seems to be what you are trying to do here. Jump from allegation to guilt. This is the type of emotional, biased, hysteria I see all over the place from Anti-Catholics. They will accept whatever the media says without questioning it and add to it..their own biases and emotional conclusions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

If women exodus to the Vatican, can a female Pope be elected

If women exodus to the Vatican, can a female Pope be elected?
If women exodus and resettle in the nation known as the Vatican, Italy and become registered voters, will they be able to become Pope someday? With women working together as a team, they could out vote the men there and then, presto - abracadabra - the first female Pope. Western democracy in action! With God, all things are possible. - The Bible Archibishop Milingo favors marriage (one man to one woman) Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
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1 :
Rome is not democratic! Pope is selected from among the cardinals which are all male! You have to be a priest to become a cardinal! You have to be male to become a priest!
2 :
Sorry, it's the Cardinals who discern God's will for the next Pope. Cardinals are bishops. Bishops are priests. Priestesses are not possible. Therefore no women bishops. Therefore no women Cardinals. Therefore no women involved in selection of the next Pope.
3 :
that is something you and I will never see happen.
4 :
The only people allowed to be legal residents of Vatican City are the pope and the Cardinals. All of the cardinals were once mere bishops, and all of the bishops were of course, at one point in time, priests. In the Catholic Church, only men can be priests. The cardinals elect a new pope from among their numbers, thus the pope will always be male. That "bishop" Katherine is not a Catholic. She may claim to be, but she is not. There is a problem in the Catholic church with women claiming to be ordained priests, but they are not and will not be accepted by the higher ups. Many groups have even been officially excommunicated.