Friday, May 21, 2010

Simple Poll: Is the Vatican GOOD or EVIL

Simple Poll: Is the Vatican GOOD or EVIL?
Here is a simple poll (and thank you for all those who answer GOOD OR EVIL) - Does the Vatican stand for GOOD or EVIL? If you say GOOD, then how do you account for the fact that the Catholic Church still refuses to produce a consolidated global account of its hundreds of Billions in assets- a fraction that could save the world from hunger- a church that refuses to acknowledge its deep connections into World War II and the Catholic Dictators and still pays money (eg Australia) to hush up Priest pedophilia. If you say EVIL, then how do you explain no media coverage of the alleged links of Pope Pius as Puppet Master of Hitler? How do you explain all the charity work by the Catholic Church around the world?
Religion & Spirituality - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
EVIL....Not because you do something right means that at the bottom you are good..... Acts 16:16 "And it happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a certain servant girl with a spirit, a demon of divination, met us. She used to furnish her masters with much gain by practicing the art of prediction. 17 This [girl] kept following Paul and us and crying out with the words: “These men are slaves of the Most High God, who are publishing to YOU the way of salvation.” 18 This she kept doing for many days. Finally Paul got tired of it and turned and said to the spirit: “I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour.
2 :
The catholic church is pure evil and the Vatican is the very embodiment of that evil.
3 :
The Vatican is just a piece of real estate. It's the people inside it that you need to worry about...
4 :
When you're obscenely wealthy, you can't be evil. You just kill all who oppose you.
5 :
Its both. Its run by men who have a "sin nature" (read Romans) and some of them are virtuous; some are sinful. It is any worse or better in your household?
6 :
7 :
"evil" is a religious word.'s completely relative and has little meaning...the definition of "evil" can be anything you want it to mean (usually, whatever you think is REALLY BAD is "evil" Ozzy, Elvis, Bush, Satan, Spongebob, chocolate, or the Vatican)
8 :
9 :
Crusades, Inquisition, Witch Trials. protecting Nazis, now a ex Hitler youth is the Pope....go figure.
10 :
Your question implys the the Vatican is one person and can be accountable as one person when in fact it is a group of like mineded folks that some where along the line got derailed. Even tho I don't agree with everything the catholic religion does as a given whole I do belive there are some good priest and nuns within it's walls. Now haveing sad that there are also some very very very bad people who seek protection within it's walls and they should be thrown out to the dogs.
11 :
Neither I'm sorry I cannot be brief. A person place or thing cannot be either good nor evil, it is the action and the intent of the person performing the action that is good or evil. Brightest Blessings MappaM
12 :
A place is neither "good" nor "evil".
13 :
mostly evil i would say (as an institution). charity work is either a cover up or done by real heart christians that care.
14 :
Good very Good, all the treasures the church owns is for the entire world to enjoy, The word catholic means universal, not all religions can say that. The church has a long history, and mistakes have taken place, The last Pope was the real cause of the fall of Russia, Do you really think the world would be better off without the Catholic Church, I think Not
15 :
EVIL , How do you explain why the Catholic Church executed Galileo because he was daring to suggest that the Earth orbits the Sun? charity around the world ? hahahahahahahahahahahahha....
16 :
Good, like it or not the church is the world's largest charitable organization, be careful to judge, less you be judged. No one is perfect, not even the church and we are all sinners, even the pope.
17 :
While the historical Catholic church is responsible for many an atrocity, I believe it's tendentious (at best) to insist they are the same institution that, for example, initiated the Inquisition. In this historical period, their positions on reproduction, women's rights, and such make them seem more churlish and abrasive than anything approaching "evil." On the other side of that equation, as an institution they are involved in great works of charity and education. And for me it's a good thing when when a hungry person gets fed - even if you make silly signs while you do it. Lastly, they, and some others, have not caved in to the forces of dogmatic backwardness - e.g., the anti-science forces running rampant in the Evangelical & Muslim movements.
18 :
Firstly they do not have too! How do you know they have Billions if they did not say?conjecture! Is it not more of a fact that the world trade organisations force this hunger onto people? Secondly The church is very much free from that anti Catholic libel, It did not have anything to do with Nazi's. In fact you would not find one Jew to agree with you as It is well known that the Church harboured thousands of Jews even at the Cost of many Priests loosing their lives. Thirdly The Church has apologised Time and again for the rouge priests that where never men of God but predators, It is hard to see what any organisation could do but try to compensate for that as they are doing. The Catholic church stands out above all others, of course you know that these things happen out side of Catholicism? Because it is such a sacred institution,The fact is that it has become a weapon to use against the church, by anti Catholic lobbyists, Alot of the allegations are also false, 99.9 of Catholic priests do a fine job and they are being attacked as if they where paedophiles. Why are you even asking this of the Catholic Church? Why not one of the tens off thousands of other churches that call them selves Christian and are very rich? Have you got an Agenda? If not then why the Catholic Church?
19 :
Good. The wealth of the Church is ancient and not "liquid" assets. And no amount of money could "save the world from hunger." As Jesus said "the poor will be with you always." The Catholic Church provides more food, housing and services to the poor than any other charity in the world. The Catholic Church doesn't have "conncetions" to WWII. Judging what little we know about the people, the events surrounding something that happened 70 years ago is wrong. According to the December 23, 1940 issue of Time magazine on page 38, Einstein said: Being a lover of freedom, when the revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but, no, the universities immediately were silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks... Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly. The December 23, 1940 issue of Time magazine contains an interesting article about Christians living in Germany, both Catholic and Protestant, who opposed and suffered under the Nazis. On page 38, it claims that by late 1940 over 200,000 Christians were prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, with some estimates as high as 800,000. On page 40, it reports on the Archbishop of Munich, Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber, who led the Catholic opposition in Germany against the Nazis. In an Advent 1933 sermon, he preached: "Let us not forget that we were saved not by German blood but by the blood of Christ!" in response to Nazi racism. In 1934 the Cardinal "narrowly missed a Nazi bullet", while in 1938 a Nazi mob broke the windows in his residence. Even though he was over seventy and in poor health, he still led the Catholic German resistance against Hitler. Not trusting the new regime, the Vatican signed a Concordat with the Reich on July 20, 1933 in an attempt to protect the Church's rights in Germany. But the Nazis quickly violated its articles. In Lent 1937 Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical "Mit brennender Sorge" (With burning sorrow) with the help of German bishops and Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII). It was smuggled into Germany and read in all German Catholic churches at the same hour on Palm Sunday 1937. It did not explicitly mention Hitler or Nazism, but it firmly condemned the Nazi doctrines. On September 20, 1938, Pius XI told German pilgrims that no Christian can take part in anti-Semitism, since spiritually all Christians are Semites. The Catholic Church does not pay money to hush up priests. That's a media perspective meant to increase ratings. The pope has directly addressed the problem, met with victims and apologized. The Church is part of soiciety. Most of the allegations are very old and took place at a time in our society when sexual misconduct was not openly discussed, nor was there any help for victims. The Church is made up of human beings, at the time of the sex abuse we had little to work with as far as education, programs, and laws. The Catholic Church is the Church Christ started. But this does not make the persons in it perfect. We do not have a crystal ball to see the future. As human beings we are limited by the current state of understanding in the world. It is easy to judge in hindsight since we know the outcome of the war and all the truths of the horrors committed, but those who lived during it did not have all those pieces. Sexual crimes have only really been prosecuted in the last 25 years or less. Many people all across the world got away with all sorts of sexual crimes because of the lack of help and infrastructure available. Things have changed. People want to beat up the Church, but what about the government? Why did it take so long for anyone to take it all seriously and do something about it? I remember when women, who had been raped, were harassed and shamed on the witness stand about their own sexual habits, and women were fired for reporting sexual inapproapriate encounters with their bosses. Things were just different. This is not to say it was okay, only that all of the society did not respect and believe victims, so many of them just said nothing.

Friday, May 14, 2010

So what do you all think about the Vatican's taste in music

So what do you all think about the Vatican's taste in music?
"It seems unlikely that the Pope, known for his love of Mozart and who once described rock music as the work of the Devil, enjoys Carlos Santana’s Black Magic Woman or Oasis’s Wonderwall on an iPod in the privacy of his study. Yesterday, however, the Vatican gave its imprimatur not only to Santana and Oasis, but also to the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Paul Simon, U2, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac in a list of approved pop albums published in L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. Last year the Vatican advised the faithful which films to watch, finding merit even in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. This year, because Europe faced a season of mediocre songs at music festivals, the newspaper explained, it was time to recommend an antidote in the form of classic pop milestones." read the rest of the article here: This rather surprised me today.
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
groovy, man. real groovey
2 :
The Vatican has gone the way of Pat Robertson. When you run out of meaningful things to say, you do and say weird things to get media attention. As if anyone cares what the Vatican thinks on music, anyway.
3 :
I make a point of not caring about the Vatican's opinion on anything. I see no reason to make an exception for music.
4 :
Vatican is a slop
5 :
The Pope is a cool dude.
6 :
Read the entire message from the Vatican about all these modern literature's, music, and cultural mediums. Catholicism began our current advanced university system of Western Civilization. Socrate, Plato, Aristotle, to name a few are read and contemplated by Catholics worldwide. Ideas do not frighten Catholic faithful as long as all ideas are measured with the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are the original followers of our Christ Jesus.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Proof that Catholics are actually Atheists in disguise

Proof that Catholics are actually Atheists in disguise!?
Creationism dismissed as 'a kind of paganism' by the Vatican. IAN JOHNSTON BELIEVING that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday. Brother Consolmagno, who works in a Vatican observatory in Arizona and as curator of the Vatican meteorite collection in Italy, said a "destructive myth" had developed in modern society that religion and science were competing ideologies. He described creationism, whose supporters want it taught in schools alongside evolution, as a "kind of paganism" because it harked back to the days of "nature gods" who were responsible for natural events. Brother Consolmagno argued that the Christian God was a supernatural one, a belief that had led the clergy in the past to become involved in science to seek natural reasons for phenomena such as thunder and lightning, which had been previously attributed to vengeful gods. "Knowledge is dangerous, but so is ignorance. That's why science and religion need to talk to each other," he said. "Religion needs science to keep it away from superstition and keep it close to reality, to protect it from creationism, which at the end of the day is a kind of paganism - it's turning God into a nature god. And science needs religion in order to have a conscience, to know that, just because something is possible, it may not be a good thing to do." Brother Consolmagno, who was due to give a speech at the Glasgow Science Centre last night, entitled "Why the Pope has an Astronomer", said the idea of papal infallibility had been a "PR disaster". What it actually meant was that, on matters of faith, followers should accept "somebody has got to be the boss, the final authority". "It's not like he has a magic power, that God whispers the truth in his ear," he said. ___ Is that not proof that Catholics are the Anti-Christ who reject the word of God?
Religion & Spirituality - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No - obviously. What it is is proof that one particular Roman Catholic official does not believe that one particular literal interpretation of the creation account is true. Jim,
2 :
Roman Catholicism is a blend of Paganism and Christianity.
3 :
Catholics were the first Christians, do I sense some sort of jealousy here?
4 :
Catholics believe in God, therefore they're not atheists. Idiot.
5 :
The people in the Vatican at present are not true Catholics. They are wrong about what they said.
6 :
If the Vatican thinks creationism is rubbish, then for once I have difficulty in disagreeing with the Vatican. Are Catholics Christians? Yes they are.
7 :
Even though there are rumors about what is going on in the Vatican and after what the former priest Alberto Rivera had shown, Catholics are Christians and are not atheist. Beware, there are some people out there claiming to be Christians but are not.
8 :
I have met a lot more Catholics who are Atheists, than Catholics who believe the Bible is the Word of God. Catholics argue that the Biblical 6 days of Creation are actually 6, 24 hour days, as we experience 'days' on Planet Earth. They sneered at me in a Catholic College in Ireland, when I mentioned the possibility of God existing in a different dimension of time. Yet the ancient Greek idea of, Kiaros Time = Eternity: and another dimension of time: Cronos Time, = Time regulated by the movement of our Planet as it orbits our Sun: is not unknown to them. In addition, some of the Professors at the college were avowed Atheists.
9 :
Again the same protestant attack on the catholic church.... Obviously you need to back to school or take some sort of reading comprehension class... Some things have a scientific/medical explanation, like mental illnesses, STD's or chemical reactions. On the other hand other things do not, things like possession, Divine intervention (people who's cancer was cured unexpectedly/inexplicably), occurrences like the children of Our Lady of Fatima, when the sun danced out of a rainy day... The Catholic Church has long since accepted the need for science, yet maintained that nothing comes before God. And if has a scientific explanation then in most cases it is accepted. Here's an example... Before anyone can be considered possessed they must first pass a series of tests, which include medical tests to rule out science. If there is any scientific explanation then the person is not considered possessed but mentally ill. The Catholic Church has accepted science why can't scientist do the same???
10 :
As Jim said, no.
11 :
Haha, no it isn't proof of your claim at all. It's very wise to have science (real science, backed by evidence) to go hand in hand with religion. Using pseudo-science to back up religious claims only harms that religion more.
12 :
So your saying that a Priest is not allowed to give a alternate explanation as a possibility.I read no where that he said this was official Church doctrine which of course it's not. I personally do not believe the earth or universe was created in 6 literal days. If you knew anything about Religious history you would learn that many of the ancient Jews came out from Pagan Religion as we know for fact that the Sumarians Version of a great Flood story is much older than the Jewish flood story. And all these groups pagan and Jewish lived close to each other and their was trading between the differing tribes so it was only natural certain ideas and beliefs would be exchanged. The trouble with people like you is you believe the Bible is some sort of magic book, but the truth is much of it is story's taught to teach a moral lesson. Example do you believe the Sun stopped it's natural movements for 24 hr's as in one story in the old testament? I'm sure you do, but why does no other continent or place in the rest of the world from that time has no such action happening in there history but only the Jews. I mean outside of earth rotation the sun would have had to not moved any where else also and those living in the dark side during it's so called not moving would have recorded 24 hr's of darkness. I remember when all of you fundies believed in the missing day story...
13 :
No your just a hater like a ton of fundies on here. He is just saying that religion and science do not clash. what is PR? Because the pope is not a disaster as you fundies WISH. Good day.
14 :
1. The Astrologer does not speak for the Catholic Church. 2. This really isn't anything new. Catholicism has rejected the Creationist view for a very long time. The Creationist view is that the world was created 6,000 years ago and in a literal 6 day cycle. All science that points to a much older earth is considered "satanic" and wrong. Catholicism has always held that God did create the world and everything in the world--including us. This is not a thing of Atheism. But, we also teach that the 7 day story is not to be taken literally as 7 24 hour days. If you look at the days, you will see something interesting: Day 1- God formed the Earth and made day and night Day 2- God separated the waters—waters on earth and waters in the sky (rain) Day 3- God separated the waters of the earth to form land to bring forth vegetation. Day 4—God created the stars, the moon and the sun to separate day from night and to let people mark the fixed times (seasons), the days and the years. **This corresponds with Day 1—making of day and night** Day 5 –God created all the living creatures in the water (fish and such) and the sky (birds and such). He blessed them and told them to be fertile and multiply. **This corresponds with Day 2—making of water on earth and the sky** Day 6—God created creatures to live on the land (cattle, oxen, sheep), including humans. **This corresponds with Day 3—God forming land.** Day 7—Day of rest, the Sabbath. Days 1 through 3 are days of formation. Days 4 through 6 are days of creation and they correspond with each other. This does not mean that 1 day equals a 24 hour day as we know it. We also see in the Bible that one day to God could be 1,000 years to us. Catholics believe in the story of Creation, but not in Creationism—which states that God created the earth and everything on the earth in 7 literal 24 hour days. Here is what we *must* believe: 1. Creation of all things by God at the beginning of Time 2. Special Creation of Man 3. Formation of the First Woman from Man 4. Unity of the Human Race (with God) 5. Original Happiness of our First Parents 6. Divine Command placed upon Man to prove his obedience (to till and *protect* the Garden) 7. Transgression of that command at the instigation of the Devil (ate the apple, didn't protect the garden from Satan.) 8. Fall of our First Parents from a State of Grace 9. Promise of a Future Redeemer Does that sound like atheism? We do not believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution either, but we do believe that it is possible that God created the world through an evolutionary process, but that it was not a random accident of genes—it was His plan and His way completely.
15 :
Do not let the small groups of Atheists and Creationists make you believe that we have to choose between God and Science. This is not true. Taking the stories of Creation in the Bible as figurative language for a real primeval event is not rejecting the word of God. It is using faith and reason to reconcile the truth of God's Creation described in the Bible with the truth of God's Creation discovered by Science. Most Catholic Christians and non-Catholic Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. Catholics believe the book of Genesis tells religious truth and not necessarily historical fact. One of the religious truths is that God created everything and declared all was good. Catholics can believe in the theories of the big bang or evolution or both or neither. On August 12, 1950 Pope Pius XII said in his encyclical Humani generis: The Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God. Here is the complete encyclical: And here is the Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 22, 1996 speaking of the Theory of Evolution: Here is an interesting article about Pope John Paul II's opinion in the matter: The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the big bang and evolution are the most logical scientific explanations. As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and responsible modern science can live in harmony. The Clergy Letter Project an open letter endorsing the Theory of Evolution signed by over 12,000 clergy from many different Christian denominations: With love in Christ.
16 :
So they are admitting that an aspect of their belief system is pagan originated, finally they are starting to get it. I wonder how much of the bible would be left if you were to rip out every belief that is pagan orientated. He may be right about religion needing science, but science most certainly does not need religion. But seriously an Atheist doesn't believe in a deity and Catholics do, case solved!
17 :
Roman Catholicism obviously has many problems including its increasingly psuedo-scientific view of creation. However, I don't believe that this makes them "atheists". However, it does make them deniers of the truth relative to God as the Creator. There is very little difference between the secular elite in today's academia and the parochial elite in today's academia. One believes in Darwinian evolution and the other believes evolution "perhaps" guided by God. In days past when Rome took the side of "science" it usually resulted in that "science" being disproven. When Galileo proved "scientifically" that the world revolved around the Sun the RCC hounded Galileo to recant his findings because they were at odds with RCC doctrine which was based on psuedo-science. It wasn't until about twenty years ago that the RCC finally admitted that MAYBE Galileo was right! When any person or any denomination such as the RCC denies the Genesis account of creation and the numerous other accounts attributing creation to God they are putting themselves on a very slippery slope. They have certainly removed themselves from the realm of Bible believing Christianity and placed themselves into the realm of those that accept concepts that are neither scientific or Biblical. True science and the Bible have no quarrel whatsoever.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What do you think of my idea for a sequel series to Chick Tracts

What do you think of my idea for a sequel series to Chick Tracts?
As everyone knows the wonderful Jack Chick is over 70 years old and probably wont be with us much longer. So I figure I am going to stat writing tracts to keep his subjects alive and keep his legacy alive. Here is some characters from my series "Matt Tracts"...... Henry - A 11 year old Christian boy with good moral values Jack White- A former Catholic priest who exposes the lies of the Vatican Parker Davies- A 19 year old bookish Christian who was once a Hindu and exposes the Hindu agenda. Virginia Dome- A 18 year old Christian college student and former Catholic witch who exposes the witchcraft of Catholicism. Al Barbo Mohammad- An ex-Muslim who was saved by Virginia Dome when he was about to blow up her college in the name of Allah. He is now a good Christian. Jack Chick- Based on the great man himself, a good evangelist. Mrs. Lyons- A evolutionist who works for the Vatican spreading lies and phony proof of Evolution. Father Dakker- A Vatican agent posing as a Protestant minister. Sybil- A 16 year old worldly girl with secular values. Old Widow Trumbell- A 88 year old widow and a very good Christian who used to be a Vatican witch. So what does everyone think of my series and characters for "Matt Tracts". They are all pro-Christianity and will be based on Chick Tracts and will keep the legacy going?
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sure, we could use the laughs. And something that makes Evangelicals look ridiculous is always welcome.
2 :
You don't appear to be filled with enough hate to fill the shoes of Jack Chick.
3 :
I think it's a great idea, but you need a much wider variety of ages for your's not only teenagers who read Chick tracts, and it's not only teenagers who need to be saved either. People relate to what they identify with. If I were you, I would create a series of tracts that are age group related! No one has ever done that.......:) May God bless you with your plans!
4 :
I love the absurdity of propaganda. It is a good laugh, go for it!
5 :
i think if you need to use fun stories to "prove" a religion, that you should find another way to make money